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Nelli: inchpes niharel hxiutyunic heto

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Anuliko: Nelli jan, isk erexayid krcqov kerakrum es ??? Ete ayo, arayjm moracir niharelu masin............ Henc dadarecnes krcqov kerakrum@, ashxatir qchacnes snndid chapabajinner@, ker himnakanum axcanner ev mirg, inchpes naev havi spitak mis kam dzuk, erbeq shat mi ogtagorcir hac kam karbohidratner parunakox snund, hrajarvir kendanakan charperic, ker minchev erekoyan vec@, dranic heto miayn hum banjarexen, kam xndzor (myus mrger@ shaqar shat en parunakum), ANPAYMAN ara marmnamarzutyun, qani wr hxiutyan @ntacqum tulanum en marmni bolor mkanner@ (marmin@ lxkum e), dzgir porid ev mejid mkanner@ hatkapes !!! Ays amen@ asaci sepakan pordzic elnelov :) Qaylir orakan kes jam, i delo v shlyape !!!

Narine: Uremn niharelu hamar verznum ek videokameran u duk zez nkarum ek ' aerobika aneluz... Hesht varjutyunner ek anum, bayz karevor u jisht, endamene 20 ropeanoz, vor shat chognek: Hima kasek patrasti DVD-er kan aerobikayi, es kasem' voch, aveli lava zere, vorovhetev profesional DVD-eri varjutyunnere shat bard u hognezuzich en, 2 or aneluz heto el chek uzi parapel, isk zere heshta u karj... Ete ore 20 ropeov et varjutyunnere anek, irikunn el 8-iz heto ban chutek, 1 amsiz ardyunke ktesnek, im porziz em asum... Lavn er che? Ejan ev vorakov...

ruziks: Shat lavner Narine, mnuma mard ira mej etqan haves gtni:))))))))))))))))) Sax ore asum em lav, esor el havesov utem, vaxe el chem uti, myus shabatel sksem gnal sheipingi... bajc et myus shabate gites arden inchqan zhamanaka sharunakvum:)))))))) Du indz asa vonc kamqi uzh unenam, vonc indz hamozem, vor sksem kamac-kamac niharelu processe....

ruziks: Nelli пишет: inchpes niharel hxiutyunic heto amenachisht tarberake, da erexajin shat krtcqov kerakreln e... ete minchev 1 tarekan ev mi poqr avel, asenq 1,5 kerakrum es, lriv qo organizme verakangnvuma... niharum es, ev darnum es aynpes, inchpes minchev hxiutyune... im enkuruhun tenaiq... darcel er 4 hat ir nihar zhamanakva chapin... mek u kes tari anc, enqan er niharel, vor ira skzbnaka qashic el shat er niharel...

axchik: Es inqs niharel em erexa unenaluc heto 20 kg. 7tarie arden @ndhanrapes hac chem ogtagor&um miayn lavash,ayn el vaxic shut-shut chem arnum vor chutem Erb skseci niharel amarer or@ 1kg klubnik, 1kg gilas erbemn 1kg malina, xndzor@ vor an@ndhat dzerqs er ev mineralni jur ei xmum 2 litr orva @ntacqum, aysqann uteluc heto vor xndrein el vochinch i vichaki chei lini utelu mek mek el marmnamarzutyun ei anum vonc mtqovs ancnum er. Aydpes himnakanum mrger ogtagor&elov nihareci arden 2 tarie nuyn qash@ pahpanum em. Erevi te shat cankanale petq mi qich el kamqi uj.

femenida: Es liovin hamamit em qez het vor anpajman petqa kamqi uj. Isk mnacatsy klini.

SvanS: ruziks пишет: amenachisht tarberake, da erexajin shat krtcqov kerakreln e... ete minchev 1 tarekan ev mi poqr avel, asenq 1,5 kerakrum es, lriv qo organizme verakangnvuma... niharum es, ev darnum es aynpes, inchpes minchev hxiutyune... im enkuruhun tenaiq... darcel er 4 hat ir nihar zhamanakva chapin... mek u kes tari anc, enqan er niharel, vor ira skzbnaka qashic el shat er niharel... Ruzik isk krcqov kerakrely piti vor aveli giracni

ruziks: che hakarake, mayre amboxch ir snunde poxancum e erexajin... ev kamac-kamac organizme qamvuma, hetevabar mayrn el sksuma niharel... ete iharke karoxanuma erkar zhamanak kerakrel 1-1,5 tari ev avel...

SvanS: quyrs kerakrumer yerexayin bayc bolorovin qashi ankum chunecav minchev yerexayin chktrec krcqic miguce da organizmicer yev giranaly kapumein kerakreu het

ruziks: miguce... iharke kaxvatca organizmic... heto shat faktorner kan... es asum em ayn depqi hamar, erb mayre shat chi utum katov erexajin apahovelu hamar... bajc mayrer kan, voronq pajqarum en kat unenalu hamar shat utelov... bnakanabar nranq shut chen nihari...

SvanS: indz hamar gexecik kiny mnume gexecik kap chuni klini na 50 kg te 120 hnaravore unena 50 kg qash bayc chunena voch mi gexeckutyun isk ger knoj achqery kam shrtunknery aynpisi gexeckutyun artahayten vor anhnarin lini gtnel voreve nihar knoj kam axchka mej baaaaaaaa

ruziks: iharke mardun petqe gnahatel vochte nra artaqinov, ajl amboxch ir eutyamb... eli em asel forum um, bajc noric kkrknem... marde gexecike hamarvum, ete nra nerqin ashxarhe harust e, ete na hacheli ev graviche, ev ete na mi guce ev uni hacheli artaqin... bajc bolorovin partadir chi vor marde unena chisht dimagcter, kam shat sirun figura ev hamarvi sirun mard... che, mardu gexeckutyune ir amoxch eutyan gexeckutyunne...

Narine: Ete kine gera u draniz vat chi zgum, avelord kilogramnere nran nexutyun chen talis, uremn partadir chi, vor janker tapi niharelu hamar, isk ete kine inz nman ahavor nexvuma avelord kashiz, amboxj ore m,tazuma niharelu masin, uremn petka nihari... Karevore mardu inknazgazoxutyunna ...

Brilliant: miguce ogtakar ban gtneq http://www.kleo.ru/items/news/2007/03/14/doctorbormental.shtml

Narine: Dietanerin chem havatum ... Inknatanjuma, jamanakavor ardyunk, sovorabar ete dietayiz heto mi 2 kilo kash es kzel, heto 2 angam kasht avelanuma... Petka axorjaki dem paykarel, bayz vonz, chgitem...

Anuliko: Dieta petq che pahel, parzapes petq e chapic aveli chutel, kam gisherner@ petq che utel, sa dieta chi kareli hamarel....

Brilliant: isk es hakarakn em anum, i dep ardyunq@ de giteq:)

Narine: Nelli пишет: inchpes niharel hxiutyunic heto Amenahesht ev amenaarag mijoze' gnal bjishk-kosmetologi mot, virahati, averlord masere ktri-tapi, miangamiz kniharek... Ayl tarberak chka...Bayz voraki garantia chka iharke... Hxiutyuniz heto kine enenza deformazvum, vor mi 7 tari xelke gluxe chi gali... Knoj baxta eli, te Astvaz inchi et 9 amsva partakanutyune drez knoj vra, chgitem... Bayz hastat mi ban gitem, vor Astvaz txamarda...

ancord: Narine пишет: vor Astvaz txamarda...

Angelina: Narine пишет: Hxiutyuniz heto kine enenza deformazvum, vor mi 7 tari xelke gluxe chi gali... Knoj baxta eli, te Astvaz inchi et 9 amsva partakanutyune drez knoj vra, chgitem... baic narine jan du moranum es ajn uraxutjunn u erjankutjun@, vor hxitujun@ pargevum e knoj@ u mimiajn knoj@, 9 amisner@ voronq kin@ ir mej krum e nor kjanq@, es erexaner chunem u chgitem irakanum inch e katarvum knoj het hxiutjan jamanak, baic indz tvum e, da voch te patij e ajl mets pargev Astso koxmic.

Narine: Ha pargeva en imastov , vor erexa es unenum: Bayz Angelina jan im 9 amsva hxiutyune sarsapeli em tarel, voch mi uraxutyan u erjankutyan paher chem aprel et 9 amisneri entazkum... Ay, isk erexayi znvelu henz pahiz aynpisi ankrkneli ban em zgazel, vor miayn noraznund mayrern en zgum... Amen mi kin tarber zeviya tanum hxiutyune, es im porziz em miayn asum, ev bazi draniz verevum xosvum er voch te bun hxiutyan jamanak zgazaz zgazoxutyunneri masin, ayl dra hetevankov arajazaz knoj marmni voch zankali popoxutyunneri masin...

ruziks: che Narine jan, chi deformacvum, na parzapes darnuma mayr... bajc mayre petq e mi ban hasakana, ete na cankanum e verakangnel ir artaqine, apa erb zhamanake galis e, i nkati unem erb erexajin aylevs chi kerakrum, na petq e sksi inchvor kerp iren hetevel... ayd depqum du kkaroxanas verakangnel qo artaqine... hamenain deps im enkeruhinere heriq chi ekel en nuyn tesqi, mardik kan vor aveli en niharel... aveli gexecik en angam darcel... es gitem, vor kam piti shat erkar erexajin krtcqov kerakres vor lav nihares, kam el shapping-i gnas... iharke chcharashahes naev utele... normal snves, bajc voch shat.... karelia dieta pahel, bajc aroxchutyane vnasa gtnum em..... hatkapes hxiutyunic heto, erb organizmt amboxchutyamb ashxatum er erexaji hamar....

dzukik: Inch hetaqrqirrrrrrrr eeeee. Erexeq jan isk ov inchqan e qash havaqel hghiutian @ntacqum?,De giteq apaga mama em _hetaqrqrvum em amen inchov. Es hghiutian skzbum 5 kilo nihareci, hima nor nor aid 5 kilon het em berel(hghiutian 5rd amsi skzbum em) qaxcrexen shat chem utum ,chnaiats vor pahanj aidqan el chem zgum.Baits hac araj @ndhanrapes chei ogtagorcum ,hima aranc haci chem kshtanum,isk hac@ im tshnamineric (figurai)mekn e.Ashxatum em shat banjaraexen ogtagorcem. Hamenain deps indz shat ogtakar en dzer xorhurdner@.

ruziks: dzukik, es im koxmic karox em asel hetevyal xorhurde, ayn inch es em arel... erb es porqikneris ei spasum, indz cher hetaqrqrum im figuran, es mtacum ei aroxch balik unenalu masin, ev shat hetevum ei im snundin... chi exel vochinch, vor es uzenam, ev mtacelov vor karoxa chaxanam, ev chutem... aysinqn endhanrapes ayd zhamanak nman baneri masin chem mtacel... indz tvuma du el piti da shat lav patkeracnes, qez hamar qo kyanqum amenakarevore qo poqrikne, na petq e lab snund stana, vorpeszi aroxch tcnvi... erkrord masnela indz hamar shat shat karevor... da erexayi kerakrele, es gtnum em vor charzhi hanun figurayi hamar zrkel erexajin nman hrashqic, vore tvela bnutyune, aysinqn mayrakan katic... isk vorpeszi mayrakan kate lini harust vitaminnerov, aysinqn erexayin hamar lini arzhani snund, mayre petq e noric lav snvi... isk niharel misht el karelie.... ete qo erexan aroxch e tcnvel, ete na ir arachin amisnerum normal ache unecel ev hangist karox es asel, vor du qo mayrakan bolor partakanutyunnere katarel es, ayd zhamanak el sksir aktiv zbaxvel qo figurayov.... hastat knihares... es 2 poqrik unem, irenc mijev tarberutyune 1 tari ev 3 amise... de patkeracu der meke poqr, myusin em spasel... aysinqn niharelu masin xosq chi exel... es im erku poqrikin el shat erkar kerakrel, txas minchev 6 amsekan miayn kat e xmel... de patkeracru te es im skzbnakan vichakic inchqan em poxvel... bajc hima es hangist em, erb es im maksimume tvel em im poqriknerin... hima el gnum em shappingi, hetevum em snundis, ev arden rezultat na lico:))) isk es amenhxiutyuan zhamanak havaqel 20kg qash.... bajc da indz chi vaxecrel... mi erku orinak el... im enkeruhis 56 kg darcel hxiutyan zhamanak 90kg... bajc hima inqe aveli nihara, qan mij amusnanale... myus enkeruhis el aynqan kerakec erexayin, vor niharce, eli aveli nihara qan ir skzbnakan vichake... indz hamar lav mayre naya, vore skzbum chi vaxenum vochnchic ev mtacuma ir erexayi hamar, isk erb erexan arden votqiya kangnum, mayrikic arandznanuma, mot 1 tarekan zhamanak, ayd zhamanak arden kine petq e iren hetevi.... isk erb hxi kine shat chi utum, kam erexayin chen kerakrum vorpeszi figuran chkori, da indz hamara anhaskanaliya.... knereq vor shat erkar stacvec, bajc vorosheci im amboxch mtqere grel:)))))

dzukik: Ha Ruzik jan es qo het liovin hamamit em ,bolor keterum. Nuinpes chem patkeracnum mayrutiun@ aranc krcqov kerakrelu, kkerakrem inchqan vor chutiks cankana. Ughaki inch verabervum e qaxcrexenin ,iskakanic sirts shat hazvadep e qashum , mnacac banerum el indz chem sahmanapakum.Tan@ amen harmaranqn unem ,sportov zbaxvelu hamar.(erb jamanak@ ga) Parzapes shat hetaqrir en dzer pordzaru karciqner@, shnorhakalutiun

Narine: Krzki katov snvaz erexayi dimadroxakanutyune tarber hivandutyunnerin dimakayelu hamar shat barzra, kan arhestakan katov snvaz erexayine: Manavand atam haneluz parz erevuma, te krzki kat, te arhestakan kat keraz erexaya: Bolor arumnerov shat jisht u anhrajeshta erexayin gone 6 amis krzkov kerakrele, ham el aveli ujexa linum kape mor u erexayi mijev:

Brilliant: Худейте правильно! Худеть модно, худеть быстро – удобно. Главное, делать это правильно. Похудеть быстро не так сложно, как кажется. Существует много различных способов. Среди них – одними из эффективных считаются – гречневая и кефирная диеты. Гречневая диета очень проста в применении, не требует финансовых затрат, и обеспечивает чувство сытости. Эта гречневая диета нормализует вес и идеально подходит в тех случаях, когда после отпусков, долгих праздников или еще по каким-то причинам Вы набрали 5-10 лишних килограмм. За 1-2 недели можно сбросить 4-10 кг. Особенно активно потеря веса идет в первые дни, когда организм избавляется от лишней жидкости: от 0,5 до 1 кг в сутки. Затем процесс притормаживается, но лишний жир продолжает исчезать. Гречневую диету можно повторить через месяц, но результат будет не настолько очевидным. Однако стабильность гарантирована - килограммы, сброшенные в результате гречневой диеты, еще долго еще не вернутся. Если вы готовы неделю-две питаться только гречкой и кефиром, то далее следует описание гречневой диеты. Оно, в общем-то, достаточно простое - без премудростей. Для достижения максимального эффекта от гречневой диеты нужно использовать необработанную крупу (цельную, не дробленую). Чтобы гречка сохранила все свои полезные свойства, ее нужно правильно приготовить. Варить крупу не надо - достаточно залить крутым кипятком и оставить настаиваться на ночь. Важно, что нельзя использовать никакие приправы и специи, т.к. они будут тормозить вывод воды из организма, однако, можно заливать гречку однопроцентным кефиром. Злоупотреблять гречневой диетой, как и любой другой диетой, не стоит. Дело в том, что рацион ограничен гречкой и кефиром, а такое ограничение лишает организм многих жизненно необходимых веществ. Кефирная диета длится семь дней. В эту неделю нужно принимать пищу шесть раз в день через строго определенные промежутки времени. За день можно выпивать не более 0,5 л кипяченой воды. Однако утром можно выпить одну чашку кофе без сахара. Перед каждым приемом пищи желательно пить по 50 г травяного настоя. Настой заваривается утром, его ингредиенты – зверобой, ромашка и календула (200 мл кипятка на пакетик каждой травы). Ниже приведено меню кефирной диеты. При использовании диеты строго следуйте этому меню. • 1-й день – 400 г печеного картофеля без соли и 500 г 1% кефира. • 2-й день – 400 г обезжиренного творога и 500 г 1% кефира. • 3-й день – 400 г фруктов (любых, кроме бананов и винограда) и 500 г 1% кефира. • 4-й день – 400 г отварных куриных грудок без соли и 500 г 1% кефира. • 5-й день – 400 г фруктов и 500 г 1% кефира. • 6-й день - 1,5 л минеральной воды без газа. • 7-й день – 400 г фруктов и 500 г 1% кефира. После окончания кефирной диеты, в первую неделю можно питаться в обычном режиме, но лучше ограничить себя в жирном, сладком, мучном и остром. Это необходимо для того, чтобы закрепить полученный результат. Регулярные курсы кефирной диеты могут давать снижение веса на 8-10 кг. По сравнению с другими диетами это не высокий показатель, по этому процесс похудания с помощью кефира нельзя назвать стремительным. Зато лишний вес, скорее всего, к вам уже не вернется. Но самое главное – кефирные диеты не вредят здоровью.

Narine: Isk hetakrkira , chi lini grechevaya dietan darznel avsyanaya dieta, estex grechka chka? Ov kimana dranz kaloriakanutyune nuynna, te che?

Brilliant: chgitem, internetic kareli e imanal..

ruziks: isk ete uzum eq hesht azatvel "shlak"-neric (knereq eli hayaren chgitem), apa petq e patrastel hetevyale. mek bazhak matcuni mej lcnum eq mek chasgi gdal grechka aranc epelu... toxnum eq kes or mna... kes ore nshanakuma erekoyan patrastel aravotyan utel, kam el aravotyan patrastel erekoyan utel... ev zhamanak ar zhamanak karox eq utel, radi profilaktiki...

Narine: Grechkan ahagin aravelutyunner uni, chgitei... Isk es avsyankayi masin ei lsel...

ancord: Narine пишет: Isk es avsyankayi masin ei lsel... avsyankan inch e???

Anuliko: Narine գրում է: Ov kimana dranz kaloriakanutyune nuynna, te che? nuyn@ chi, avsyankan bardzr kaloriakanutyun uniancord գրում է: avsyankan inch e??? Herkules kerel es ??? Da e :)

ancord: Anuliko пишет: Herkules kerel es ??? Da e :) et mannaya kashan e???

Anuliko: wch, mannin spitakadzavarn e, isk herkules@ urish tesak dzavar e

ancord: parz e

Narine: Avsyankan ruserena... Anzord es portugalerene es angam kez ognutyan chekav?


Narine: Iya, Anzord, et inchi es taknvel zaxiki heteve? Hle mi durs ari...

ancord: caxiki hetevum hov e mi qich

SvanS: ha dra hamr yerb mta forum datarker.du mi asa bolory caxiki hatevum taqnvacen

ruziks: SvanS пишет: ha dra hamr yerb mta forum datarker.du mi asa bolory caxiki hatevum taqnvacen lav er:)))))))))))) ete chimanas inch tcaxiki masina xosqe... aveli tcitcaxelia:))))))))))))))

SvanS: hisheci ancordi storagrutyuny. napastak napastak inches anum tperi aranqum

Anuliko: SvanS գրում է: napastak napastak inches anum tperi aranqum vay vay vay

HAYUL: SvanS գրում է: napastak napastak inches anum tperi aranqum LEZUD CHLINER KORAC EIR

Anuliko: The feminine nature The feminine nature has a weakness, softness, and delicateness about it. A feminine woman leans toward trustfulness, adaptability, and fearfulness. She is submissive to her husband and has a dependency upon men for their care and protection. In contrast, the masculine nature is stronger, harder, firmer. Men are natural leaders and guides, and as such, they have a natural tendency to command. They are competent, aggressive and protective. The feminine woman lacks these masculine tendencies. Awaken Your Man Feminine dress causes a man to notice a woman and makes him feel more of a man. The feminine manner brings out more of these differences, and adds to his feeling of manliness. Add to these the feminine nature in a woman which awakens a man’s natural inclination to protect her. They all work together to form one total package of femininity each performing its own part. They are all intertwined to form a strong cord of female attraction and dependency. Together they cause a man to have the most pleasant of sensations - that of power and strength. The bigger, stronger and more masculine the man, the more he delights in sheltering and protecting a feminine woman. In the Presence of a Capable Woman How does a normal man feel in the presence of a capable woman? When a woman is independent and capable, able to meet or exceed a man on his own ground; when she doesn’t need his manly care, protection, leadership or support, he simply doesn’t feel like much of a man. She has met the challenge and turned out to be a better man than he is. Such women are repulsive to him. Just as sheltering a woman produces extreme satisfaction in a man, not being needed produces extreme humiliation and defeat. There is no joy in doing for a woman who is perfectly capable of doing for herself. In the Presence of a Feminine, Dependent Woman A soft, tender, gentle, trustful, dependent woman brings out a hardly perceptible feeling of protection that expands from himself to her. Such a woman gives him a pleasurable feeling of manly strength and power that is extremely gratifying. He feels more of a man, more capable, stronger, and bigger than he is. We tend to think that such a woman would cause a feeling of disgust or contempt due to lack of ability and masculine feelings, but quite the opposite happens - it brings out the best in him. Admiration of the Independent Woman There are times when an efficient, able, masculine type of woman receives the admiration of men. She may rival men with her management skills, be decisive and ingenious, and high up in the business world. The type of admiration a woman like this receives from a man is the same he would bestow on another man. It is doubtful he will find her attractive or that she will awaken his manliness. There are many such women who seem to have the respect of men, but the respect is seldom turned into love. It simply doesn’t cross his mind to think of cherishing and protecting her for a lifetime. We have to remember what matters to a man when he is seeking to enhance his own manliness. It’s not that he doesn’t admire these women - they are healthy, charming and enjoyable, but they are not fascinated by them. They lack certain characteristics that stir a man’s masculine emotions. They have an air about them that says, “I can handle things on my own. I can kill my own snakes.” that clashes with the feminine nature. Those women that we admire aren’t all that thrilling to men. We wonder what they see in the brainless dolls. It’s the women with the frail dependency and need for men that thrill them. A man wants a woman who is part angel with a character he can look up to as even better than his own; then he wants her to be a helpless creature that he would like to scoop up in his arms to cherish and protect. The independent woman has the qualities of an angel, but are lacking those human qualities that endear her to the opposite sex. What If You Are a Large Woman? What if you are a strong woman? What if you have a large build or excess weight? How can you seem to be tender, soft, delicate, dependent and trustful? It is certain - size has nothing to do with having a feminine nature. You can appear fragile and delicate to a man if you follow specific guidelines. You don’t have to be little and delicate to appear so to a man. Sometimes you will see a small man married to a large woman. In many cases he does not see her as large. She has developed a feminine nature that is soft and sweet and he sees her as such. She makes the impression of being delicate with traits like depending on him, needing him, relying on him and trusting him. She has successfully disguised her overpowering figure. Traits of the Feminine Nature Weakness: Men are strong and firm with an air of hardness about them. Women are, in contrast, weak, delicate and soft. This does not mean they have weak characters - they are angelic! Submissiveness: Men are the leaders and guides. Women are adaptable, changeable, and trustful. These traits make it easier to submit to her husband’s authority. Dependence: Men are to provide the living, do strenuous work and protect women and children from harm. Women are to lean on men, trust them, allow them to protect and care for them. The definition of feminine dependency is a woman’s need for masculine care and protection. Don’t be so able to “kill your own snakes”. Tenderness: Tender feelings are part of the feminine woman. Movies, songs, books, and even television commercials will move her to tears. She has a strong sense of sympathy and has tender emotions toward the helpless. Don’t try to hide or be ashamed of these feelings. This is another fascinating trait to a man. Fearfulness: Every feminine woman has a tendency to have a natural fear of dangers - either real or imagined. Men have the opposite tendency to be unafraid, especially when they have control over the situation. Sometimes men will place women in a dangerous situation just to show their own fearlessness in the face of a woman’s fright. This makes them feel extremely masculine. The smaller or sillier the fear a woman needs protection from, the more masculine a man will feel. When he rescues a woman from a mouse or a spider, a loud or strange noise, darkness, or some other trifle he feels manly and strong. He can easily laugh at these small things and gain much satisfaction from saving his damsel in distress. How to Awaken Your Feminine Nature Acquire a Feminine Attitude: Acquire a dependency on masculine strength. Let go of your masculine strength, masculine abilities, masculinecompetence, masculine fearlessness. Excel in your feminine abilities, but get rid of the masculine tendencies. Read and study the 3 A’s until they become your nature. Be adaptable to his life and his agenda. Eliminate the Masculine Work: You must be careful in this area. You need to discover what masculine work you are doing and be ready to give them up, but you cannot demand that your husband take a masculine job. To do this is to exert the control in the situation. You must make your case to your husband, explain the details to him, tell him why you need him to do this work, but the decision is still in his hands. If he agrees, great! But if he doesn’t readily accept the job you are trying to give over to him, that’s ok, too. If you find you are stuck with a masculine job, keep doing the job in the most feminine manner you can, always asking for help and advice whenever possible. You do not need to do the job with masculine efficiency and gusto! In fact, it will be detrimental to you as a woman to do so. Live the principles of Fascinating Womanhood for a time, then approach him again. When you are doing your job well, he may be more willing to take some of the responsibilities. Be Submissive: I have said it before and I’ll say it again - submission is a highly active endeavor. You don’t just become a doormat or a mouse and call yourself submissive - no, no, no! Submission requires strength of character, a firm knowledge of your wonderful place as a woman, and (pardon the expression) guts. It’s no job for a weakling. It takes a strong woman to willingly yield to the leadership of another of higher authority. And don’t forget, this authority has been vested in your husband by an even Higher Authority. The subject isn’t open for discussion or debate. As a submissive woman, avoid hard, unyielding opinions. Yes, he wants to hear your opinion, but it must be expressed in a feminine manner. Remember, however, that I am talking here of the more human opinions. Never yield in your morals or those traits that make you the woman he has on a pedestal. Don’t Hide Your Fearfulness: It’s charming to a man for a woman to be in need of his masculine care and protection. Grip is arm a little tighter when you step off a curb or ask him to take care of the spider in the tub. Don’t Hide Your Tender Emotions: The tears you express when you watch a sad movie, hear a touching story, or learn of the plight of the innocent are touching to a man and awaken his tender emotions toward you. Do not suppress these emotions. Even if they laugh, they are touched. Don’t Try to Excel Him: It’s fine for you to be grade A in your feminine sphere, but please don’t compete with your man in his arena, and by all means don’t do better than he does in a masculine area. Don’t be stronger, less fearful, more decisive, or less wavering. Don’t compete in the area of wages or prestige in the workplace. Invite His Care and Protection: Let him care for you in small things. Ask him to open tight lids on jars, allow him to open your door, let him help you with your coat. Don’t be so quick to do these things yourself. Give him time to do them and always express your appreciation for his kindness and care. Live Your Feminine Role: There is no better place to develop your feminine nature and depth of character than in your own home. Your home is the best workshop for learning the gentle arts and the soft traits of the feminine nature. The Sweet Promise While feminine dependence and frailty are desirable feminine traits, there needs to be an assurance that when you are put to the test in an emergency or by some necessity you will have the strength and fortitude to meet the need. This is what Mrs. Andelin calls “the Sweet Promise” and your husband needs to know he can depend on you should the circumstance arise. What the Feminine Nature Awakens in a Man The feminine nature makes a man more willing to offer his care and protection. As he begins to care for a woman his love and tenderness toward her grows. When you are too independent and self-sufficient he feels no need for caring for you and this causes his love and tenderness to fade. He loves that which he shelters and protects. When you display a feminine nature it awakens his need to take care of you, do things for you, protect you, shelter you and devote himself to you. While he is doing these things his feelings of love deepen. Never forget: A man will not offer his care and protection when he senses it is not needed, or that his efforts will be ridiculed. The woman, who with her feminine nature and dependency, makes him feel wanted, needed and appreciated will be dear to him. You can win his love and affection as you develop your feminine nature.

Narine: Anul es inch erkara, alarum em kardam... Nayum es ,,Amerika got talant,, shoun, estex zuyz en talis, shat em sirum...

Brilliant: uzum eq niharel? hajax liatoq tsitsaxeq http://www.podrobnosti.ua/health/2007/01/23/388803.html http://www.podrobnosti.ua/health/2007/01/23/388803.html

Narine: Brilliant jan erevuma kez lav huzuma mer niharelu probleme... Etkan dem mi enki, vochinch, kniharenk, ho misht senz tmblik chenk mna... ZizaxalUz aveli en chaxanum, gorz chunes...

Brilliant: hatuk chem mtatsum, uxxaki kardum ei, mek el da achqovs @nkav, aseci grem eli,karox e ogtakar lini vomanc.. che dzer pes, mi metod chaseciq, te chaxanam....

ancord: Brilliant пишет: mi metod chaseciq, te chaxanam.... im asacy pordzecir???

Brilliant: 2 or, heto chkaroxaca el grechka utel..

Brilliant: Туфли с перевернутым каблуком – писк моды 2008 года 24-09-2007 @ 21:50 Раздел: Новости и события / Мода vorqan tsitsaxeli e:)))))))))))))))))))))))) Смешные, непрактичные, нелепые, очень дорогие и даже опасные... Так можно охарактеризовать туфли на каблуке нового поколения. Однако, по мнению стилистов, они скоро станут новым хитом моды. На неделе высокой моды в Нью-Йорке британский модельер Марк Якобс поразил всех новой обувью. Его модели выходили на подиум в туфлях, каблуки которых крепились не как обычно к пятке, а горизонтально, к носку! Сказать, что это необычные каблуки – ничего не сказать. Как на них ходить – совершенно непонятно. На фоне этого плода дизайнерского воображения Марка Якобса его шпильки для спортивной обуви уже не удивляют. Стоит обувь с перевернутыми каблуками в среднем 300 евро. Один из ученых американского Института Здравоохранения поделился своим мнением по поводу туфель от Марка Якобса с журналом Daily Мail: «Это просто абсурд. Горизонтальные каблуки сможет носить только та женщина, которая не ходит дальше красной ковровой дорожки, а еще та, у которой денег больше, чем здравого смысла». Говорят, неделю назад такие туфли приобрела Виктория Бекхэм…

ruziks: mardkanc patkeracume sparvel e:))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) lavn en shat!:))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Brilliant: Массажные очки


astxx: SvanS գրում է: napastak napastak inches anum tperi aranqum

astxx: mi canot unem,shat lav,,u na asav vor gesh mard chka,,,,bolornel gexecik en,menak pti maqur linen,mi qich kokik hagnvac,irenc hetven u verj,,,, iroq chishte bolorsel yurahatuk enq ,ev unenq mer nerqin u artaqin gexeckutyun@

Narine: Sirox kine amenagexecikna, sere gexeckacnuma knoje...

otar amaji champekic: Narin jan,mi harevani hars uneink,shat sirvac er,bajc ashxatumeink dur@ chbacenk,manavand ush jamerin,vor hankarc lexachak chlneink

Narine: Uremn inke chi sirel, Otar jan, menak sirvaca exel...

LILIA: otar amaji champekic գրում է: vor hankarc lexachak chlneink ARDEN PATMELUC LEXACHAQ EXANQ

Narine: Bayc mi hat iren siroxin harcrek, inke lexajhak linuma? Ete siruma, achkin hreshtak kereva... Daya karevor...


SvanS: hima hamozvacem verj!!!!hamozel petq chi gexeckutyuny iskapes zoher e pahanjum http://djv.ru/?action=news&id=7251

astxx: SvanS գրում է: hima hamozvacem verj!!!!hamozel petq chi gexeckutyuny iskapes zoher e pahanjum tesar??????????????

Narine: SvanS գրում է: gexeckutyuny iskapes zoher e pahanjum Tvyal depkum, mard vor pox shata unenum, chi imanum inch ani, gjutyuna anum...

Brilliant: o, God..



Narine: Lilia chahavanecir?


Narine: Hay-haaaaay, Lilia, vijhakd lav chi.


Narine: Lilushin mi koxmic el lav er, arden xpnvel er compi vra, el inch ases, vor cher anum, miarjhamanak khangstana compic. Indz ela etenc mi ban petq...

dzukik: vay iskakanic, bayc erb 1 or u kes komp ches tesnum, vatanum es, 2rd or@ nor xelqi es galis, 3 or aranc kompi = mec generalni uborkai

Narine: Ha et 1-in amisna djhvar, heto kentalana et vijhakin.

otar amaji champekic: Narine գրում է: heto kentalana et vijhakin kam kxelagarvi


pupushik: *PRIVAT*

Tushik: Narine jan dzez mi ban harcnem ha demqis mashka@ ahavor chor e u tepotvac inch dimakner karox em oqtagocel dra hamar? ­


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