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Իսկ դուք գիտեք, որ...

Brilliant: Aystex grenq ayn amenn inch gtnum eq,vor hetaqrqir informacia klini.. ruziks havatarim barekam Îòïðàâëåíî: Ñåãîäíÿ 10:33. Çàãîëîâîê: Re: - íîâîå! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- isk duq giteq, vor vinegret salate arajacel e II hamashxarhajin paterazmi zhamanak... ayd zhamanak gitnakanneri archev xndir er drvatc stextcel utesti aynpisi mi tesak, vore parunaki ir mej shat snund vore petqe zinvorin, ev shat tcaxsatar chlini... ayd proekte chkaroxacan hascnel ir avartin, chkaorxacan harmar utest hnarel... bajc mek tarberake mtav kyanq, da vinegret salatner, vorin mi poqr popoxutyan entarkecin ev vorpes salat sksecin ogtagortcel...

Îòâåòîâ - 330, ñòð: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 All

SvanS: SvanS գրում է: verjers kardaci vor Los-um 150-000 hay ka berderum Anul ays hodvacy karcem kardaceles che? hishum vor kayqumer

Anuliko: SvanS գրում է: Anul ays hodvacy karcem kardaceles che? hishum vor kayqumer SvanS jan, chem kardacel, es texakan tertern em kardum, nuyn banern en pastum.....

SvanS: ha uremn sxalvumem Anul jan. bayc inchi indz tvac vor en myus forumum em kardacel vortex vor Yerevani masin temaer bacvel poqrik yerexanernel xujapiein matnvel

Brilliant: giteq che,vor dzmeruk@ djvaramars e,tekuz ev amboxjovin hyur e parunakum..

Brilliant: isk duq giteq,vor hndikner@ panir asum en panir:)

Anuliko: Brilliant գրում է: giteq che,vor dzmeruk@ djvaramars e oho, isk es karcum ei, wr shat heshtamars e ev aroxjarar, isk hatkapes inchum e kayanum nra djvaramarsutyun@ ??? (uzum em imanal inch qimiakan baxadrutyun uni, inchov e paymanavorvac djvaramarsutyun@)

Brilliant: meji telikneri arkayutyan shnorhiv

Anuliko: isk telikner@ inch en wr ??? djvaramars en telikner@ ???

Brilliant: chen marsvum telikner@, vonc utum es, enpes el durs e galis)) i dep minchev 2 tarekan yerexanerin xorhurd e trvum dzmeruk chtal..

Anuliko: im axjik@ shat e sirum, u henc 2 ic heto el tvel em, xelq@ gnum e :)

ruziks: endhanrapes dzmeruke ev elake hamarvum en vtangavor mrger erexaneri hamar.... nranc karelie tal erexanerin miayn tarm vichakum ev iharke bnakan achac... hakarak depqum tunavorum karox e linel...

Brilliant: Mardu idealakan qash@ voroshelu metodikan Avstraliayum idealakan qashi hashvarkman universal hamakarg e mshakvel.@st ays metodi` qash@(kg-nerov) harkavor e bajanel hasaki qarakusu vra(metri qarakusinerov). Orinak,ete hasak@ 150sm e, isk qash@` 70kg,apa 70@ petq e bajanel 1.5-i qarakusu vra`70:2.25=31.1 Stacvats verjnakan tiv@ sandxakavorvats e.Ete ayd tiv@ 15-ic catsr e,apa hivandagin niharutyun e arka, 15-19 normayic catsr, 20-25 norma, 26-30 normayic avel, 31-40 giracum, 40-ic bardzr`patologia. parzvec es normayic catsr em`17,5 e,es tenc el gitei)))

Anuliko: Armin jan, es 20-25 mej em (23 staca), bayc mievnuyn e, chem karox hamarel da norma (es indz shat aveli lav em zgum, erb 48 kg em), erevi 15-19 shata aveli normal e, aynpes wr, du hastat nihar ches, karox es hangits linel :)

Anuliko: John Prendergast While many around the world try to ignore or look away in shame, John Prendergast has made it his life’s mission to shine a light on some of the world’s worst injustices. Known as one of the leading voices of international attention to the genocide in Sudan and the atrocities of the Lord’s Resistance Army in Northern Uganda, Mr. Prendergast travels frequently and speaks powerfully about inhumanity in Africa’s war-torn nations. Formerly an advisor in the White House and U.S. State Department, Mr. Prendergast currently is a senior advisor at the International Crisis Group, a non-profit organization that scouts out geopolitical conflicts such as Balkans border disputes, terrorism in Indonesia, and power struggles in Afghanistan, and then issues reports that offer crucial intelligence, analysis, and solutions. Mr. Prendergast is the author or co-author of eight books on Africa, much of the material for which was gathered during numerous trips, some illegal, across various borders. Whenever he travels in Africa, doors are opened — except in places where his denunciations of local dictators have made him unwelcome: Sudan, where he is now banned; and Zimbabwe, where he was arrested, beaten, and thrown out the country. He is embarking on a fact-finding mission in Chad, and is contemplating his sixth illegal trip since 2003 across the border to canvas Darfur refugees for their opinions on the peace deal. A gifted convener of disparate groups with a common core, Mr. Prendergast has helped form the Save Darfur Coalition to unite human rights activists such as Amnesty International, humanitarian causes such as Refugees International, and faith-based charities including the National Association of Evangelicals, and the Jewish Council for Public Affairs. He also has helped bring the clout of the private sector to the cause, preparing an anti-genocide campaign with the founders of Timberland, eBay, and Lion’s Gate Films. He also understands the power of film and major media in bringing attention to the dark spots on humanity’s soul. He traveled with Hotel Rwanda actor Don Cheadle to northern Uganda and to Darfur for ABC’s Nightline, and he is currently co-authoring a book with Mr. Cheadle. Also, he has produced three 60 Minutes segments on the region and is planning a fourth. Mr. Prendergast has appeared on nearly every major commercial and public radio station and television network, and has been quoted extensively by most of the nation’s major newspapers and magazines. Mr. Prendergast received his M.A. in international development from American University. He took on jobs at Human Rights Watch, the U.S. Institute of Peace, and UNICEF, and developed expertise in the then relatively obscure field of U.S.-Africa policy. In late 1996, he was brought on by the Clinton Administration to serve as director of African affairs at the National Security Council. For his deep and passionate belief in the dignity of all mankind and womankind, his intelligent and powerful international activism, and his courage in probing for the truth and continually reminding us of the shameful and sobering facts of some of the world’s worst atrocities, Simmons College is proud to present John Prendergast the degree of Doctor of Public Service, honoris causa. http://www.crisisgroup.org/home/index.cfm?id=1318&l=1 http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.ushmm.org/museum/exhibit/online/congojournal/download/images/prendergast.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.ushmm.org/museum/exhibit/online/congojournal/download/&h=110&w=132&sz=12&hl=en&start=12&um=1&tbnid=d0_oi-P_L2lQUM:&tbnh=77&tbnw=92&prev=/images%3Fq%3DJohn%2BPrendergast%2B%26svnum%3D10%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26hs%3DytQ

ancord: Brilliant ïèøåò: Avstraliayum idealakan qashi hashvarkman universal hamakarg e mshakvel.@st ays metodi` qash@(kg-nerov) harkavor e bajanel hasaki qarakusu vra(metri qarakusinerov). Orinak,ete hasak@ 150sm e, isk qash@` 70kg,apa 70@ petq e bajanel 1.5-i qarakusu vra`70:2.25=31.1 sa miayn kananc e veraberum????

Brilliant: jishtn asats nshvats che, bayc es kartsum em,vor ayn bolorin e veraberum

ancord: de imy hashvi, plz. 1.80m-84kg

Brilliant: 25,9 aysinqn normayi mej es:) mi qich el,vor h@ anes, normayic ancnum es:))

ancord: mersi, inch lav e

Anuliko: heto el kases nihar em, ena lav el /.............

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